�¿ APCChE-UNIDO Special Symposium | APCChE2019

APCChE-UNIDO Special Symposium

Japanese | English

The 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE2019) will be held at Sapporo from 23rd to 27th, September 2019. In order to promote and encourage new attempts of Chemical Engineering on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), APCChE and UNIDO will co-host this special symposium on 24th September in which we learn and discuss Chemical Engineering and SDGs. To make contributions to SDGs, it is essential to discuss the vision of sustainable society meeting the condition for each region, design the customized system, and make actions. This symposium calls for presentations on the local issues and how chemical engineering could address them especially in Southeast, South, and West Asian regions and on the environmental and energy technologies. Presentations on case studies are highly encouraged. Keynote lectures will be made by UNIDO, investors, and/or leading researchers.

October 16, 2019: News release is posted on UNIDO's website.


10:30-17:00, Tue 24 September 2019


Sapporo Convention Center (Access to the venue here)

Registration fee

Free of charge (Open to public*)
*The three events (Student Program, APCChE-UNIDO Special Symposium, SDGs Forum) are open for public and free of charge. Lectures will be translated simultaneously between Japanese and English.
To attend at other sessions/symposia, attendees need to pay for the registration fee.


Although on-site registration is possible, we would appreciate you very much if you make pre-registration from here.

Please also visit the webpages of the related events: Student Program (23 September) and SDGs Forum (27 September).


10:30-12:00 Session 1. How can chemical engineering contribute to SDGs?
Chair: Kanako Tanaka (JST/LCS)
10:30�10:40Opening remarks/addresses
Dr. Yuko Yasunaga, UNIDO Tokyo
Video Message from Mr. Katsuhiro Akimoto, Mayor of City of Sapporo
10:40-11:05 Keynote lecture: "UNIDO's technology transfer and realization of SDGs in developing countries"
Dr. Fukuya Iino, UNIDO
11:05-11:15 Summary of Student Program
Introduction of the Student Program
Comments from award winners and student organizers
11:15�11:45 Keynote lecture: "Enlighten the next generation on a diverse Chemical Engineering for sustainable development --Practices in a Chemical Engineering introductory course for first-year undergraduates".
Prof. Bing Zhu, Tsinghua University
11:45�12:00 Contributed talk: "Mapping an undergraduate ChE Curriculum using an SDG-based CDIO Approach at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila Philippines"
Dr. Evelyn Reyes Laurito, University of Santo Tomas
12:00-13:30Lunch break
13:30-15:00 Session 2. Commitments of industry & government toward SDGs
Chair: Mitsuo Yamamoto
13:30�13:45 Invited lecture: "Overview of trends and efforts towards achieving SDGs in Japan and Sapporo"
Mr. Akihiro Satake, City of Sapporo
13:45�14:00 Invited lecture: "Challenges of chemical engineering for SDGs"
Prof. Masahiko Hirao, Univ. Tokyo
14:00�14:20 Actions toward SDGs by Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan
"Wastewater treatment: SDGs & HINODE SANGYO." Ms. Kaori Fujita, HINODE SANGYO CO., LTD.
"How to stop ocean plastic waste? ~Plastic waste to energy in house consumption bases~" Mr. Takahisa Soma, ELCOM Co., Ltd.
"Sustainable management of mercury waste." Mr. Yutaka Ichihashi, Nomura Kosan Co., Ltd.
"You can be a manufacture of environmentally sustainable detergent in three days!" Mr. Kazuaki Imamura, Old Faithful Japan
14:20�14:40 Introduction to participatory workshop
Ice breaking exercise
14:40�15:00 Deciding the group members and theme:
Each group has ~10 members with different background from industry, government, academia, and NGO/citizen.
Each group will select one of the following topics and write it down on a large sheet of paper on each table before going for a coffee break:
1. How to contribute to SDGs through Chemical Engineering?
2. List up research topics of some members in your group are working on and categorize them into multiple SDGs and suggest how to improve research topics to achieve more SDGs.
3. What are the problems with plastics and how to solve them?
4. What will happen with the large-scale PV power generation after 20 years and how shall we get prepared for it?
5. Choose your own topic
15:00-15:30 Coffee break and discussion
15:30-17:00 Session 3. Workshop on Action & Partnership toward SDGs
15:30�16:15 Group work
Discussion topic: Chemical engineering research topics that could help achieve SDGs
The discussion results will be summarized and attached as Annex to the Sapporo Declaration to be issued by The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
16:15-16:30 Presentation from each group
16:30-17:00 Summary
Panel discussion (moderator: Dr. Yuko Yasunaga, UNIDO Tokyo)
Symposium summary and perspectives

Ref. Participatory workshop on Chemical Engineering and SDGs (7 March 2019)
Details are found here.


noda(at)waseda.jp (Please replace at with @)


Suguru Noda (Waseda Univ.), Fukuya Iino (UNIDO), Mitsuo Yamamoto (Univ. Tokyo), Bing Zhu (Tsinghua Univ.), Kanako Tanaka (JST/LCS)

APCChE 2019 official webpage