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SDGs Special Symposium in APCChE2023 - Research Proposal on SDGs from Youth

September 8, 2023, Pasay City, Philippines.


SCEJ hosts the SDGs Special Symposium - Research Proposal on SDGs from Youth in APCChE2023, Taking after the the Sapporo Declaration "Declaration on the United Nations SDGs at Sapporo 2019 - Chemical Engineering for Human Well-Being" and the previous Students' Programs in APCChE2019 and APCChE2022. In this event, following the invited lectures, students will make research proposals on SDGs based on international collaborations. Then we will have a participatory workshop where the students and participants will discuss how to collaborate and contribute to the achievement of SDGs through partnership.
We kindly invite audience to join our event, either on-site or online.
To join on-site (with payment), please make registration at the official website of APCChE2023.
To join online (for free), please fill in the form at: https://forms.gle/gcQX7rVYS3mg2HJ8A by August 31st. Zoom link will be sent to the attendees via email.

Program (9:00-12:00, Sep. 8, 2023)

9:00-9:50 Session 1. Opening and Invited Lectures (Hybrid)
9:50-10:40 Session 2. Students' Presentations (Posters On-Site and Breakout Rooms Online)
10:40-11:30 Session 3. Participatory Workshop (Round Tables On-Site and Breakout Rooms Online)
11:30-12:00 Session 4. Summary (Hybrid)
12:00- Networking

Important dates

Sep. 8SDGs special symposium. Awards will be given to excellent proposals.
Aug. 31Deadline for submission of posters (pdf, A0 size, vertical) and movies (mp4, 5-10 min) that will be posted on this webpage.
Jul. 31Deadline for abstract submission that will be posted on this webpage. (Template is here)
Jul. 20Reply to join the event on-site in Manila or online
Jun. 30Deadline for application to Type 2. Individual Work.
May 15Deadline for application to Type 1. Joint Work.

Call for Participating Students for International Joint Work on SDGs

SCEJ presented the Sapporo Declaration "Declaration on the United Nations SDGs at Sapporo 2019 - Chemical Engineering for Human Well-Being". The declaration is an important theme at APCChE2023 to be held in Philippines from 4 to 9 September, where a special SDGs symposium will be held. We call for students who will present research proposals on how chemical engineering can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific region. This time, we have two categories for students' participation.

Type 1. International Joint Work (Call has been closed)

Several teams of several students from diverse countries and regions will be formed. The teams will be advised by professors and researchers in Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and China, and will conduct research on a specific theme related to "Contribution of Chemical Engineering to the Achievement of the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific Region" and propose solutions to the problem. Team research will be conducted with online meetings held every 1-2 weeks from May to August. Participating students are expected to put in about one day a week of effort. If good results are obtained, we will consider submitting them to journal articles and proposing international joint projects to the research budgets of the respective countries and regions. Students will decide their own research themes with the support by advisors.
For reference, students last year made proposals of "Waste Water Treatment and Coproduction of Valuables in the Palm Oil Industry", "Solving Bali's Marine Plastic Problem", "Sustainability Assessment and Optimal Selection of Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Resilient Off-grid Water Security Application" and "Grid Impact of Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Fast Charging Stations". The students will participate in APCChE2023 either onsite or online, present their proposals as posters and online movies at a special session on the SDGs, and participate in group discussions with audience members to exchange ideas and collaborate. SCEJ covers the students' registration fee for APCChE2023.

Type 2. Individual Work (Call has been closed)

Students may also make research proposals based on their individual works. Students can make teams within and outside of their institutions to conduct the works. The students will participate in APCChE2023 either onsite or online, present their proposals as posters and online movies at a special session on the SDGs, and participate in group discussions with audience members to exchange ideas and collaborate. SCEJ does NOT cover the students' registration fee for APCChE2023. We expect students who will make APCChE registration by themselves for presentation at the technical sessions, too.

Messages from APCChE2022 Participants


Suguru Noda (Waseda U., Japan), Satoko Fujioka (Keio U., Japan), Mitsuo Yamamoto (U. Tokyo, Japan), Joey D. Ocon (U. Philippines Diliman, Philippines), Keat Teong Lee (U Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Bing Zhu (Tsinghua U., China)


Heng Yi Teah (U Tokyo, Japan), Zih-Ee Lin (Waseda U., Japan), Hooi Ling Lee (U Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Noorashrina A. Hamid (U Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Lawrence Limjuco (U Philippines Diliman, Philippines), Zhongming Chen (Dongguan University of Technology), Fukuya Iino (UNIDO, Austria)


Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan


  • September 11, 2023: Awards were announced.
  • September 8, 2023: Event finished successfully. Thank you for joining it.
  • September 2, 2023: Posters and Videos are uploaded.
  • August 4, 2023: Online registration has started.
  • August 4, 2023: Abstracts of students' proposals are posted.
  • June 30, 2023: Call for Type 2 has been closed.
  • May 29, 2023: Call for Type 2 reopened.
  • May 29, 2023: Kickoff meeting is held online. Type 1 Joint Work starts.
  • May 15, 2023: Call has been closed
  • April 17, 2023: Website opens

  • Contact: noda[at]waseda.jp (Please replace [at] with @)
    Noda-Hanada Group, Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University.